S81 7 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

S81 7 is a postcode sector in Bassetlaw, UK. Below is a complete list of S81 7 Postcodes (Active). S81 7 postcode sector comprises of 244 active postcodes. S81 7 sector has a population of 10475, and it has 4088 properties in the region.

Browse Information On S81 7 postcode sector

S81 7 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 10475
Addresses / Property Count 4088
Active Postcodes 244
Nearby Postcode Districts 55
Nearby Postcode Sectors 3

View Map Of S81 7 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 244 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
S81 7AB 53.31183600 -1.12123400 11 17 458647 379793
S81 7AD 53.31257600 -1.12144400 12 35 458632 379875
S81 7AE 53.31354000 -1.12418600 N/A N/A 458448 379980
S81 7AG 53.31139900 -1.12268400 N/A N/A 458551 379743
S81 7AH 53.32619000 -1.13209400 8 17 457904 381381
S81 7AJ 53.31839100 -1.13355900 N/A N/A 457817 380512
S81 7AL 53.32719300 -1.13160800 51 95 457935 381493
S81 7AN 53.32646000 -1.13347000 33 87 457812 381410
S81 7AP 53.31526000 -1.13219600 N/A N/A 457912 380165
S81 7AQ 53.31195900 -1.12213200 N/A N/A 458587 379806
S81 7AR 53.31413100 -1.12900700 23 49 458126 380042
S81 7AS 53.31495100 -1.13019100 16 39 458046 380132
S81 7AT 53.31573700 -1.13113500 5 12 457982 380219
S81 7AU 53.31559700 -1.13405000 N/A N/A 457788 380201
S81 7AX 53.31620100 -1.13430800 N/A N/A 457770 380268
S81 7AY 53.31851100 -1.14016100 N/A N/A 457377 380520
S81 7AZ 53.32602800 -1.13332900 1 4 457822 381362
S81 7BB 53.31733400 -1.13186900 29 69 457931 380396
S81 7BD 53.31810500 -1.13281400 5 11 457867 380481
S81 7BE 53.31940200 -1.13934800 N/A N/A 457430 380620
S81 7BG 53.31849400 -1.13196500 6 7 457923 380525
S81 7BH 53.32070000 -1.13249100 41 158 457885 380770
S81 7BL 53.32201700 -1.13437100 29 64 457758 380915
S81 7BN 53.32280900 -1.13325900 23 41 457831 381004
S81 7BP 53.32055900 -1.13160800 32 68 457944 380755
S81 7BQ 53.31937700 -1.13838700 2 4 457494 380618
S81 7BS 53.31758400 -1.13291400 27 34 457861 380423
S81 7BT 53.32086400 -1.14611900 N/A N/A 456977 380777
S81 7BW 53.32249400 -1.13191400 4 8 457921 380970
S81 7DA 53.32649900 -1.13512100 5 13 457702 381413
S81 7DB 53.31811100 -1.13123700 27 56 457972 380483
S81 7DD 53.31906200 -1.12971700 58 143 458072 380590
S81 7DE 53.31682300 -1.13087300 24 55 457998 380340
S81 7DF 53.31744400 -1.12969000 39 89 458076 380410
S81 7DJ 53.32191200 -1.14719400 N/A N/A 456904 380893
S81 7DL 53.32070100 -1.14004200 N/A N/A 457382 380764
S81 7DP 53.32309100 -1.13489000 28 59 457722 381034
S81 7DQ 53.31711300 -1.12597400 3 8 458324 380376
S81 7DR 53.32345800 -1.13591800 14 30 457653 381074
S81 7DS 53.32338600 -1.13468800 27 64 457735 381067
S81 7DT 53.32387100 -1.13343200 17 39 457818 381122
S81 7DU 53.32433500 -1.13540500 47 114 457686 381172
S81 7DW 53.32088100 -1.14353700 N/A N/A 457149 380781
S81 7DX 53.32457500 -1.13377900 6 15 457794 381200
S81 7DY 53.32591700 -1.13047800 16 34 458012 381352
S81 7DZ 53.32496100 -1.12883100 1 1 458123 381247
S81 7EA 53.32493200 -1.13097900 27 38 457980 381242
S81 7EB 53.32459200 -1.12996500 15 18 458048 381205
S81 7ED 53.32460100 -1.13238200 9 14 457887 381204
S81 7EE 53.32331600 -1.12876000 11 19 458130 381064
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